
New updates and improvements to Formspree.

October 14, 2024
  • Submission Map and Status charts now exclude spam submissions
  • Added sync option to Google Sheets plugin for existing submissions
  • Added Salesforce integration to create leads
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Internal improvements
August 23, 2024
  • hCaptcha spam prevention solution now available in Form settings
  • Added new Submission Status Bar Chart in Project Overview page
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Internal improvements
  • Removed the legacy icon library (Font Awesome) to speed up page load time
August 2nd, 2024
  • More descriptive messaging when a submission is blocked for an unauthorized domain
  • Implemented lazy load country-data for Klaviyo plugin
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Internal improvements
  • Reduced bundle size to improve app load speed
  • Upgraded to Typescript 5.5
July 19, 2024
  • New Project Overview page featuring trend line and storage summary
  • New Submissions Map on Project Overview page
  • Form names on Project Overview page now link to the associated forms
  • Added loading state when fetching data for the submissions table
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Internal improvements
  • Optimized initial load speed by lazy loading needed code on demand
June 30th, 2024
  • Clarifying features on the plans page.
  • Improve autocomplete behavior for name fields on Register page
  • Updated Klaviyo Plugin. Check Klaviyo changelog here
  • Fix team limit message for accounts with unlimited team members.
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Internal improvements
  • Add stories and unit tests for Form Sidebar redesign.
June 7th, 2024
  • Main Sidebar Redesigned
  • Added a feature to set a custom Notion page title using subject field.
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Internal improvements
May 31st 2024
  • Changed the formatting on plan details to make it clearer when customers are in a legacy plan
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Internal improvements
  • Several Security Updates
May 20th 2024
  • Improved load efficiency for users visiting form pages
  • Updated design of the Form Integration page.
  • Added better reCAPTCHA error messages for debugging.
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Internal improvements
  • Improved test coverage for Constant Contact plugin
May 10th 2024
  • Integrated Constant Contact plugin to automatically add new contacts from submissions, capturing essential details like name and email address for email marketing.
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Internal improvements
  • Implemented routing tests to ensure secure and accessible account and form pages on the dashboard.
May 3rd 2024
  • Redesigned the Submission Table bulk action bar
  • Updated default navigation for Form pages to redirect to the Overview or Integration page
  • Improved Monthly Submissions Line Chart to accurately handle timezone issues
  • Fixed bug where the form overview page didn't work for forms without a project
  • Fixed bug in calculating total form storage
  • Removed Form Count from the sidebar to streamline navigation, now displaying Monthly Submissions directly on the Form Overview for enhanced clarity.
  • Implemented validation for the 'since' parameter in submission APIs to return a 400 error for non-ISO8601 datetime formats, ensuring data consistency and compatibility with JavaScript clients
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Internal improvements
April 19th, 2024
  • Added Form Overview page.
  • Added link to documentation in tooltip for file storage overview.
  • Updated design on Form Submissions page.
  • Added OAuth 2 authentication to Gorgias plugin.
  • Improved help text and placeholder text for Form Settings - Redirect field.
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Internal improvements
April 5th, 2024
  • Added a file upload storage display on the Account page to keep track of file upload quota.
  • Fixed error in Team invitation link.
  • Improved layout of "Pay" action in Billing dashboard.
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Internal improvements
March 22nd, 2024
  • Updated account logic to ensure an account is verified when attempting to add linked emails.
  • Fixed a bug when resending verification emails.
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Internal improvements
March 1st, 2024
  • Fixed bug in Notion integration.
  • Redesigned Rules page in dashboard.

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Internal improvements
February 23rd, 2024
  • Updated subscription plans.
  • Fixed bug in Slack integration.
  • Fixed bug in Google Sheets integration.
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Internal improvements
  • Made content security updates.
February 2nd, 2024
  • Updated search submission filter to retain search result after deleting submissions or marking them as spam.
  • Updated search field to clear search submission when switching forms or form tabs.
  • Added invalid field name detection on submission.
  • Fixed a bug in the Freshdesk plugin.
  • Improved error handling for Stripe plugin.
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Internal improvements
January 19th, 2024
  • Added support for Traditional Chinese on Thank-you page.
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Internal improvements
  • Improved dead code detection with Typescript.
  • Upgraded Node.js to v18.
  • Enhanced ability for support team to debug webhook requests.
  • Improved conditional class name rendering using a faster, smaller library.
January 5th, 2024
  • Fixed issue with discounted price not appearing for some promotions.
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Internal improvements
  • Upgraded Storybook to the latest version.
  • Upgraded Typescript to v5.
December 15th, 2023
  • Added submission data to autoresponse template.
  • Added disabled state for Workflow actions based on features available to the user's subscription plan.
  • Upgraded to Tailwind CSS v3
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Internal improvements
  • Added more analytics tracking in the upgrade pipeline.
  • Removed hard-coded information from the upgrade logic to make it more resilient to change.
December 1st, 2023
  • Submissions table now shows number of files uploaded.
  • Improved upgrade process in Account Billing.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the Plans page not showing the correct subscription state.
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Internal improvements
  • Improved event logging and better tracking of user upgrade journey.
November 24th, 2023
  • Rolled out promotion for returning users.
  • Added promotional banner in Account pages when user has an existing offer.
  • Added text for applied discounts in Upgrade Plan modal.
  • Fixed upgrade callout incorrectly displayed on the Form Settings page.
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Internal improvements
November 17th, 2023
  • Rolled out the new plan upgrade UI for Stripe V2 plugin
  • Fixed form validation error when submitting plan cancellation survey
  • Fixed visual bug in Modals where the "more content" gradient does not scroll
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Internal improvements
  • Included product and plan information in plan upgrade event tracking
November 10th, 2023
  • Rolled out new plan upgrade UI for Form Settings HTTP API feature
  • Improved layout composability of our Modal component
  • Updated the subscription cancellation survey to better collect feedback on the service
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Internal improvements
  • Improved internal support tools
  • Enabled automated type-checking and unit test runs for our front-end codebase in CI
October 27th, 2023
  • Improved the upgrade checkout flow and rolled it out to more users.
  • Improved error handling when users attempt to upgrade their plan with an invalid credit card.
  • Fixed the automatic download behavior of the submissions export file.
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Internal improvements
October 20th, 2023
  • Roll out an improved plan upgrade UI to a subset of users
  • Added status column to exports
  • Fix an issue that dashboard crashes after successful sign-ups in some registration flows
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Internal improvements
  • Add logging for the improved upgrade UI
  • Fix datetime format for spam filter
  • Convert Account settings page to typescript
  • Improve internal feature flag functionality
October 6th, 2023
  • Shipped an onboarding survey to better understand users
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Internal improvements
  • Fixes to plugin error handling
  • Better event tracking
  • Refactored our Checkbox component to be more consistent and allow building new designs.
September 22nd, 2023
  • Exporting submissions now displays progress
  • Fixed bug in create form modal
  • Fixed google sheets error reporting bug
  • Redesigned frontsite header and footer
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Internal improvements
  • Improved internal support tooling
  • Added task to generate account activity digests
September 15th, 2023
  • Refactored some modals to fix scroll behavior
  • Fixed broken link on new register page
  • formspree-js: @formspree/react now supports arrays in form submission data
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Internal improvements
  • Improved tool for account maintenance
September 8th, 2023
  • Registration page redesign
  • Fixed redirect templating bug
  • Fixed bug in the Mailerlite action
  • Converted Airtable action to OAuth (api keys deprecated)
  • Refactored select component in some modals
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Internal improvements
September 1st, 2023
  • Fixed a bug when connecting Stripe action
  • Fixed a bug causing the submissions table to overflow the right screen boundary
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Internal improvements
August 25th, 2023
  • Fixed email validation bug
  • Fixed subject field templating bug
  • Fixed Gorgias file upload bug
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Internal improvements
August 11th, 2023
  • Mailchimp plugin bug fix
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Internal improvements
  • Review app lifecycle improvements
August 4th, 2023
  • Fixed bug causing exports to fail for large forms
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Internal improvements
July 28th, 2023
  • Fix browser theme color on the Formspree Dashboard
  • [Workflow] Various design and UX polish
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Internal improvements
  • Enabled bulk-sending for in-product notifications
  • Fixes to account deletions
July 21st, 2023
  • Added an option to set the ReplyTo header in autoresponse
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Internal improvements
  • Improved fraud detection
July 14th, 2023
  • [Workflow] Actions can now be disconnected even if setup isn't complete
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Internal improvements
  • Refactored Stripe action to use new API
July 7th, 2023
  • Improved MailChimp error handling
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Internal improvements
  • Refactored trello plugin to use new API
  • Refactored notion plugin to use new API
  • Added memory performance monitoring tool
  • formspree-js: Fixed types in @formspree/core
June 30th, 2023
  • Fix: don't return archived subs on searching
  • Made trial ended banner dismissible
  • Added reCAPTCHA to CLI
  • Added Team and Personal account group labels to AccountSwitcher
  • Improved mailerlite error handling
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Internal improvements
June 23rd, 2023
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Internal improvements
June 16th, 2023
  • Fixed validation field renaming bug
  • Added country, phone code option to Klaviyo plugin
  • formspree-js: Update to react-18
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Internal improvements