Form & Function

An online publication brought to you by the team at Formspree featuring editorial writing and technical how-tos on static site generation, HTML forms, and other web technologies you can use to get your site well built and running fast on the Internet.

Introducing the Klaviyo plugin

We’re adding Stripe integration to formspree-react. Now, with just a few lines of JavaScript you can create a fully custom payment form.

How to Create a Custom Payment Form with Stripe and Formspree

Collecting payment is the most crucial experience of your online business. So why settle for a stock Stripe Checkout page? Building a custom checkout form with Stripe Elements gives you control over the entire payment experience, all the way to the final moments of the sale.

Now with formspree-react and the Formspree Stripe plugin, you can build fully custom payment experiences in a fraction of the time it would take with Stripe Elements alone.