Form & Function

An online publication brought to you by the team at Formspree featuring editorial writing and technical how-tos on static site generation, HTML forms, and other web technologies you can use to get your site well built and running fast on the Internet.

Adding 2 factor authentication to secure your account

Today, we’re opening up the ability for all our users to add extra security to their account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). We know how important your form data is, so we’re happy to offer you an additional way to secure your account. 🔐 The process should feel very familiar to you if you’ve set up 2FA on other websites. You can set up 2 factor authentication by visiting your account settings and clicking Setup in the Formspree Dashboard.

October Update

Nothing says “autumn” like pumpkin spice lattes and a big frontend refactor. At least that’s what we were going for when we started switching Formspree over to tailwind this summer. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Today we’re announcing three new features for Formspree users.