Form & Function

An online publication brought to you by the team at Formspree featuring editorial writing and technical how-tos on static site generation, HTML forms, and other web technologies you can use to get your site well built and running fast on the Internet.

Create a Simple HTML Contact Form with Google Sheets + Formspree

HTML is great for making your website look and work exactly how you want it to—but it can be a pain to work with. We’re here to make it easier and streamline the process of adding an HTML contact form to your website. It can also be a pain to make form data accessible to everyone on your team, so we’ll also show you how to integrate it with Google Sheets, which, chances are, you’re already using.

Three ways to build React forms– Part 3

In this final part of our series on building React forms, we’ll rebuild the form from parts 1 and 2 with Formik. We’ll discuss some benefits a drawbacks of using Formik, and highlight the alternatives.