Three ways to build React forms

Three ways to build React forms– Part 3

In this final part of our series on building React forms, we’ll rebuild the form from parts 1 and 2 with Formik. We’ll discuss some benefits a drawbacks of using Formik, and highlight the alternatives.

Three ways to build React forms– Part 2

In this tutorial we’ll modify our basic form by taking control of the form’s state. In doing this we’ll create what React calls a “controlled component.” With a controlled component we’ll have more control over the form, allowing us to create a consistent validation experience, and customize it however we like.

Three ways to build React forms

There’s no “right way” to build forms in React and there are a lot of options. It’s simple enough to have a working form, but what about validation? Can you rely on the browser’s default validation, or should you write your own state handlers, or drop in a form library?