Form & Function

An online publication brought to you by the team at Formspree featuring editorial writing and technical how-tos on static site generation, HTML forms, and other web technologies you can use to get your site well built and running fast on the Internet.

5 Best Practices for Creating Accessible Forms

Accessible web design should be a given. Almost 41 million Americans live with a disability. That’s approximately 12.6% of the population. But much of the internet still isn’t designed to accommodate users with disabilities. One study, for example, found that 70% of websites were inaccessible to people with visual impairments. Inaccessible forms aren’t just inconsiderate—they’re bad business. They lead to your company missing potential orders, surveys, registrations, and more. Design with accessibility features in mind, and everyone can get what they need from your website.

How to Build a Better Feedback Form with Zendesk and Formspree

You need to send your feedback form data to your help desk software—but how should you do it? You might be tempted to direct your form to send an email straight to your support tool, but that introduces a few issues. The emails won’t capture important metadata, like the customer’s account information or the ticket priority level. Plus, many help desk platforms—Zendesk included—will block automated emails and send them to restricted folders.